What We Do
1Day Africa, a branch of 1Day Sooner, strives to place the continent on a path towards capable, local medical research and healthcare delivery, particularly in the context of infectious diseases. In the status quo, African nations are dependent on foreign aid, but we envision a future where Africa will pioneer its own research — to the benefit of over one billion Africans as well as the entire world.
Vaccine distribution and equity
As our letter to the World Health Organization in 2021 argued, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the inadequacy of current world systems to equitably and fairly distribute vaccines.
Developing African Medical leaders
We host a regular mentorship series to in collaboration with medical student societies to bring experts in and prepare future physicians for the unique challenges faced in medical practice in Africa.
Vaccine production capacity
1Day Africa advocates for local scientific capacity, particularly in vaccine production. Local manufacturing capacity would allow for decentralized access to vaccines and other medical countermeasures.
1Day Africa is a chapter of 1Day Sooner